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Pogfig Configuration Guide

A configuration file should be named like this: .<filename>_pogfig.json

Ex. .main_pogfig.json

And should look something like this:


	"$schema": "path-to-pogfig-schema/pogfig_schema.json",
	"imports.paths": [
	"imports.names": {
		"projlib" : [

	"compiler.optimizations": 0

NOTE: The information needed in the pogfig file can be found in pogfig_schema/pogfig_schema.json

List of properties and their uses:

imports.paths - A list of paths in which to search for imported files.

imports.names - A dictionary of valid identifiers that correspond to imports in the program. Using the example above, if you import the name projlib, both mylib.pog and myotherlib.pog will be imported instead.

compiler.optimizations - An integer representing the level of compiler optimization. Level 0 means no optimizations, level 1 means invoking to simplify the syntax tree, and level 2 means invoking which optimizes the assembly code.

Special path aliases:

%FILE% - This will be replaced with the path to the file being compiled

%COMPILER% - This will be replaced with the path to the compiler

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